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What is Big 4 accounting?

In accounting, the Big 4 refers to the four largest public accounting and auditing firms: These certified public accounting (CPA) firms perform a majority of the audits required of U.S. corporations having stock that is publicly traded.

What is the Big 4?

The Big 4 refers to the four biggest accounting firms globally, as measured by revenue. It used to be the Big 8 before a series of mergers and one spectacular collapse saw the number reduced by half.

Are big 4 Accountants in demand?

Primarily, the Big 4 is looking for auditors. This reversed a trend seen in the rest of the industry. Still, a high demand exists for general accountancy and finance professionals. Expectations are high for a Big 4 accounting salary. The salaries for Big 4 accountants vary widely, however, depending on education, experience and organization.

Who are the Big 4 audit firms?

Ranked by 2020 revenue figures, the Big 4 are Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (Deloitte), PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Ernst & Young (EY) and Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler (KPMG), respectively. These firms handle a majority of the audits for United States corporations with publicly traded stock.

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